
Setting Up Discounts for Your Game

  • Head over to and find the game you wish to discount.
  • On your game’s dashboard, click “Discount” to participate in a sales event organized by Panic or create a custom discount.

Participate in a Sales Event

  • Select a Sale Event from the dropdown.
  • Select a discount price with a minimum price of $1.
  • Click Join Sales Event and the sale event will appear under Scheduled Discounts.

Note: this section will not be visible unless Panic has a sales event scheduled.

Creating a Custom Discount

  • Under “Create a custom discount”, select a start and end time for your discount with a maximum of 14 days.
  • Set the discount price with a minimum price of $1.
  • Click Create Custom Discount and the scheduled sale will appear under Scheduled Discounts.

Creating a Discount for Release

To set up a discount at launch for your unreleased title, you can follow the instructions for Creating a Custom Discount above.

In order for the discount to apply when your game laucnhes, make sure to set up the discount before release and select the correct Start Time (Pacific Time) to match your time and day of release. Catalog drops are generally scheduled on a Tuesday at 10AM Pacific.

Delete a Discount

You can delete a scheduled discount by following these steps:

  • Go to
  • Click on the game in question to head to the game’s dashboard.
  • Click on “Discount” and click “Delete” next to the scheduled discount you’d like to remove.

Note that you won’t be able to delete a discount once the sale is live.

Discount Restrictions

  • Discount periods must not be within 30 days of an existing discount, price increase and release of game.
  • Discount periods can be no more than 14 days.
  • Discounted price will need to be at least a $1. We do not support prices that are less than a $1, so games that are $1 won’t be able to set discounts.
  • The discount price cannot be changed or deleted once the sale is live.

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